Hope&Hoppen helps Quaker test the
waters of emotional advertising.

Much of PepsiCo Inc.-owned Quaker’s
advertising focused on functional nutritional
details—and without an emotional connection,
it is hard to be seen online. Quaker turned to
video production agency Studio M to tell the
“Goodness Starts Today” story.
Studio M contacted the Joy of Dance studio
to find families who might be willing to appear
in the ad for Quaker. The family of Lynne and
Michael—founders of Hope&Hoppen—won
the part!
This was an unusual partnership for
Hope&Hoppen as we’re used to being on
the other side of the creative table. However,
storytelling is in our DNA. The Studio M/
Hope&Hoppen partnership was really a
match made in heaven.
Video Shoot: Simon Shohet was the cinematographer who forged such a great bond with our family. He filmed the entire Quaker Ad
in one, 14-hour day—with two other
main shoots to capture Michael and Lauren’s
clandestine rehearsals, as well as the final
dance recital. We helped Studio M convey the
real emotion in parents watching their kids
grow up before their eyes.
Within 24 hours, Quaker—“The Recital” received close to half a million hits. Now we’re at nearly
10 million views, with 20+ million impressions worldwide.